Legal Update as on 04.02.2023

  1. HC ESTABLISHES COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ACTIVITIES OF PREGNANT WOMEN’S MISTREATMENT AT PRIVATE HOSPITAL – In order to prevent future occurrences of alleged abuse of pregnant patients at private hospitals in the state, the Gujarat High Court established a committee to investigate the cases.
    Nikunj Jayantilal Mevada v. The State of Gujarat and 5 Ors.
  1. SC DIRECTIONS TO AVOID DELAY IN RELEASE OF PRISONERS WHO ARE IN CUSTODY EVEN AFTER BAIL IS APPROVED – The Supreme Court has published rules about the situation of undertrial inmates who remain in custody after being given the benefit of bail because they are unable to comply with the conditions outlined in the bail order or for other reasons.
    In Re Policy Strategy for Grant of Bail SMW (Crl.) No. 4/2021
  1. SC: CONVICTION CANNOT CONVICT ACCUSED WHILE OVERRIDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTIES TO COMPOUND OFFENCE – The Supreme Court has ruled that if parties to a litigation action have agreed to compound an offence that is punishable by more than one sentence, High Courts cannot overrule that agreement and impose their will on the parties.
    BV Seshaiah vs State of Telangana & B Vamsi Krishna vs State of Telangana
  1. SC PERMITS 21-YEAR-OLD UNMARRIED WOMAN SEEKING ABORTION TO GIVE THE BABYFOR ADOPTION TO COUPLE REGISTERED WITH CARA – The Supreme Court has permitted the adoption of the child by the prospective parents whose information was provided in the CARA registration form.
    P v. UoI And Anr. WP(C) No. 65/2023
  1. SC – STORAGE FACILITY FOR EDIBLE OIL NOT ALLOWED OUTSIDE PORT AREA The Supreme Court has ruled that edible oil storage facilities are not permitted outside of port areas, stating that the terms “within” and “in” in the CRZ Notification of 2011 cannot be interpreted to include areas that are outside of port areas.
    K.T.V. Health Food Private Limited v. Union of India And Ors.
  1. MEGHALAYA HC PUTS STATE GOVERNMENT IN CHARGE FOR SUPPORTING ILLEGAL COAL MINING – The Meghalaya High Court criticised the State Government for failing to take action against illicit coke plants operating in the state and stated that it is a terrible shame that the State is bringing about a state of anarchy by disobeying Supreme Court rulings.
    Monu Kumar v. State of Meghalaya & Ors.
  1. GAUHATI HC: IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ANTI-MANUAL SCAVENGING LAW, APPOINT 2 WOMEN SOCIAL WORKERS TO THE STATE COMMITTEE – The State Monitoring Committee established pursuant to Section 26 of the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013, has been ordered by the Gauhati High Court to include two women social workers.
    Dipa Basfor v. The State of Assam & 5 Ors.
  1. HC TO STATE: LIFE ERRATICAL ATTACHMENT OF PROPERTIES OF THOSE NOT CONNECTED TO PFI – According to a Kerala High Court order, the state must release to the wrongfully impounded property owners any assets that they have that are unrelated to the Popular Front of India (PFI) and that were wrongfully attached.
    Kerala Chamber of Commerce and Industry v. State of Kerala and Malayalavedi v. State of Kerala
  1. PAKISTANI NATIONAL ARRESTED FOR CARRYING HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES HAS LIFE SENTIMENT UPHELD BY CAL. HC – A Pakistani national who was found to have entered Indian territory illegally through Bangladesh and was travelling to Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir in order to engage in terrorist activities has been given a life sentence by the Calcutta High Court, which has been upheld. He is a member of the terrorist group Al-Badar.
    Shahbaz Ismail @ Shahbaz @ Md. Jamal v. The State of West Bengal

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